My style is a bit difficult to define, mainly because I haven't fully discovered it yet myself. I am a bit contemporary, a bit photo journalistic, definitely candid and sometimes classical. I prefer to capture life as it happens rather than posing or having my subject say "cheese".
Photography for me was a natural progression. After my Partner and I adopted our son I became an avid scrapbooker. Since scrapbooking requires many photographs, I found myself constantly with camera in hand shooting away, often to the cries of "enough" from my son. I found myself wanting to take better photographs and often needing photos of other subjects, I would borrow kids of friends and family to "model" for me. Once folks began to ask me to photograph them or their kids I began to think (with a little pushing by my Partner) that I could possibly take the next step, Life Portraiture was born.
Eh? That looks intriguing...and cool...and good to see you are still ALIVE!!!
Great logo, my friend! Can't wait to catch up with you!
so excited for you! looks fab!
Looking Fabulous!!
Hey luv....I am stalking your's all looking good and I am so happy for you!!!!
I was beginning to worry about you Scott! Good to see you were up to something good! Good luck to you. Wanna come to Wisconsin?
The logo looks great!!! I'm so excited for you!
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