Thursday, February 28, 2008

Spring Special!

I love the word SPRING! This has been a long winter and I am so ready for some warmer weather to get out and shoot in (photographs, not people!)! I know that technically spring doesn't start till the end of March, but I think we can fudge it a little.

I am currently in the process of building my portfolio and am offering a special during the months of March and April! I am looking for all categories: Maternity, Babies, Children, Seniors, Adults and Families (up to 5 people).

* NO session fee!
* 1/2 off print order (must be paid in full at time of order)

* Book your appointment during the months of March and April
* Sign a release form to use your images for my portfolio, website, blog or advertising.

To book your appointment or for further information please visit the web site, LIFE PORTRAITURE or send me an email,


Thanks for visiting!


Rita said...

Do you travel?? LOL Your site looks great -- can't wait to see more from you my friend!

Suzanna said...

Rita, LOL! I was just coming to post that too! Come to Michigan, Scott! That's not too far from you!

Can't wait to hear more about your new venture!! Miss you!

Carolyn said...

I need you to travel too.... the blog is looking really good, this new adventure might of been exactly what you needed to do, it's coming together so well, and that usually means it was meant to be.

Unknown said...

Good luck Scott in your new venture!
LOve your photography and can't wait to see what the future is holding for you!